Thursday, June 30, 2011

Passion Flower

I have been waiting for a passion flower to bloom so that I can take an up close shot of it.  My husband calls them Dr. Seuss flowers.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Color Burst in the Backyard


The Nest

Every Spring my Texas shaped bird house sees the birth of many house sparrows.  Every time I think they are done hatching babies, more appear.  These are the latest batch of chicks and I love watching the mother and father take turns feeding the babies.

 My favorite picture, look at how hungry they are!
 Dad's turn to feed the babies.
Mom is not to sure about me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1920's - Inspiration

I love the 1920's.  The clothes, hair, dancing, and most of all the photography.  It must be why I love black and white pictures so much. Everyone looks good in black and white, and the ladies in this era were freeing themselves from repression, so they were wearing shorter skirts, bobbing their hair, smoking, and wearing more makeup.

Each picture is so stylized.  Why don't we take pictures like this anymore? 

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Here are some close up pictures of a Gulf Fritillary Butterfly that has been hanging around the yard...

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Red Ballon - Inspiration

Does anyone remember watching this movie when they were little?  A little boy finds a red balloon and the balloon starts to follow him to school, the bus and to church.  Then the little boy and the balloon play together in the streets of Paris. 

I remember watching it at school, and even though it has almost no spoken dialog it completely held my attention.  Ever since then I have always loved pictures of balloons.  


Today I did my first personal photo session with my camera.  The subject was my niece, Bella, who volunteered to be my model for me.  She did such a good job, and is a natural in front of the camera.  I hardly had to direct her.  Not to mention she is so beautiful!

Here are a few of my favorite shots:

First Brisket

Recently my husband bought a new BBQ pit.  We've grilled chicken, steaks and fajitas.  Saturday, Colby smoked his first brisket.  Here are the pictures:

The Prep

The Smoking

 The Final Product

It was so good!  He did an awesome job!